Favorite Things Friday!

Happy Friday!! Woo-hoo! After being off work a good portion of last week, I never thought Friday would bless me with its presence. I’m finally getting myself back in sync with my regular posting routine (Tuesdays and Fridays) and I’m feeling pretty accomplished because of it. I’ve been in a time management funk and it feels so good to be back in a regular, caught up routine.

Any-who, I know you’re all dying to know what I’ve chosen to feature for my favorite things Friday so I’ll get down to the meat and potatoes, I promise this post will be short, sweet, and to the point. We all know how much I love small, family owned businesses. I am generally a huge advocate for local business, small business, and supporting your friends, family, and neighbors businesses. Because I love these family owned and operated businesses so much, it should be no surprise why Nickel and Suede is one of my favorites!

If you click on their “about me” tab on their website, you can read their story about how they began this business in the basement of their home, and how since then they’ve grown in incredible ways. There are few things in this world that I love more than seeing businesses like this develop into something much bigger. I also love following their business and their family on the owner Kilee’s Instagram, she’s definitely one of my favorites when it comes to styles of any kind.

They make lightweight leather earrings, bracelets, rings, shirts, hats, a candle, water bottles, and more.


I should be getting my spotted cork leather earrings in the mail sometime this week, and when I do I’ll be sure to feature a photo on Instagram for you guys to see!


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we will be back to touch base on Tuesday with some Valentine’s Day stuff!

Until then,

