Giving Thanks For Our Teachers During Hard Times


There is something that’s been weighing heavy on my mind since our children’s schools have shut down. With each day that passes there are more and more negative comments and complaints regarding not just our school systems, but also our teachers.

I have seen parents publicly ridiculing and criticizing our teachers, throwing around their impudent opinions on how this global pandemic has been handled from those working in the world of academia. These behaviors are egotistical and presumptuous at best, and here is what I have to say about that…

Nobody, especially your children’s teachers, were prepared for a global pandemic that would ultimately close school for the remainder of the year. Our teachers lesson plans were created for face-to-face classroom time. They were given as much notice as everyone else about the schools being closed, with an uncertainty for how long.

To have the audacity to publicly bash these teachers for not sending your children’s lessons home the day after this happened is inappropriate and brazen. These teachers are doing the best they can with the resources they are given. This is a learning process for not only the teachers, but also the administration at each of these schools. The administration is working alongside the State of Michigan and the Michigan Department of Education to ensure that the correct lesson plans are sent out in accordance with the guidelines that are being enacted. These are uncharted waters for everyone involved, and a little bit of patience and understanding is obviously necessary here.

With the kids being off school, and some uncertainty from what the teachers are going to be sending us, it is our responsibility as parents to continue education for our children. Just as it is not our teachers jobs to discipline and instill good behaviors in our children, it is not soley their job to teach them. There are plenty of resources (most even discounted or free right now) that your children can utilize to continue their learning. As an example, we have used ABC Mouse, as well as Hooked on Phonics. There are plenty of free printouts for math sheets, reading, and even short stories that are available on all platforms. It really isn’t hard to do a little bit of research to find some learning resources for your kids.

And if none of that appeals to you? You should go with the most productive route… Personally and privately contact your child’s teacher or the administration at the school instead of rallying the other local angry parents and creating an unproductive Facebook mob. The teachers have made themselves available for questions and concerns and are eager to help wherever they can.

If you know a teacher, give thanks for them. It is especially in times like these that I am thankful for those that teach my children, and for those who have taught me. It is a thankless job, and in a world where you face such scrutiny for trying to help, it’s nice knowing that there are the few who appreciate you.



Pay The Extra Ten Dollars: 5 Reasons to Shop Small For The Holidays

With the holidays quickly approaching, people like myself are really feeling the pressure to finalize and buckle down on the Christmas shopping for everyone on the list. Since starting my own “small business”, I’ve had quite a few encounters where people want to order from me, but can find a similar product for much less on another website or at another store. People really don’t understand the cost, or time put into the products that we make homemade, but that’s a post for another time…

I’m a bargain shopper from way back, so I’m not judging people looking for a better deal, but I’m going to break down why you SHOULD be shopping small for the holidays and supporting small or local businesses.

  1. Quality: Anymore, I am shopping for quality products- so much so that the price rarely matters. If I am ordering a shirt, I want it to be well made and of higher standard. I don’t want something that was made in China that is going to unravel, or not even look like the product that was pictured.
  2. Customer Service: Generally when you order from a small business you will have better customer service. If you have a problem with the product, you have someone that you can speak directly with who is going to care enough to make it right. The one on one customer service is worth every penny of the extra cost in my book.
  3. Economic Impact: Potential job opportunities blossom out of many small businesses, unlike many big business/corporations who cut jobs frequently to save on money. Your purchases from small business allows for them to expand which in turn creates jobs. This is especially great if this is a small business in your local community.
  4. Giving Back to the Community: Many small businesses give back to the community or are at least involved in the community in some way shape or form. Whether they hold fundraisers, donate proceeds, or raise awareness- small businesses are crucial in a well-knit community.
  5. Supporting Your Friends & Family: These are businesses, products, and ideas that your friends, family, or even acquaintances have put a lot of time and effort into. The feeling of happiness that comes from supporting those people is unmatched to any feeling that you could get from walking out of a corporate-owned store.

So in short- do yourself, and everyone else a favor, and spend the extra ten dollars this holiday season. Get offline and go out and support your local businesses, (unless your small/local businesses are online of course).

Until next time,



3 Reasons Why Change Is A Big Deal For Blended Families

We’ve been off the radar recently due to some unforeseen stressful circumstances that have been really consuming our time and our minds. You know that saying, “when it rains, it pours” ? That statement has never rang truer in our household. I was dealing with an ongoing, seemingly never ending illness toward the end of September and beginning of October. After 23 days of sickness, I was finally able to return to work full time and return to “normal life”- whatever that means.

The same exact day that I began to feel better, we caught wind that the layoffs that have been taking place at Brian’s place of employment could potentially hit him. We knew that layoffs were happening, but since Brian’s been there for 8 years we didn’t figure it was going to affect him right away. With just three weeks until Halloween, we were informed that he would be laid off as of November 1st. The panic of uncertainty began to sink in, and we’ve been pretty stressed about the situation ever since. Things are pretty unclear as far as what the future holds for us, but right now we are just trying to get our affairs in order and prepare for the worst. Thankfully, I am employed full time, and we are able to receive insurance through my employer, so that’s one stressful scenario that we can check off of the list.


Everyone has told us, “don’t panic, things will get better” or “it could definitely be worse”. Of course we are aware that it could be worse, it’s not like we are going to lose everything and be on the streets, but it’s still a big change. Let me tell you why big changes are an extra stressful problem when you live the blended family life…

  • Schedules- Schedules are something that are very precious to us blended family parents. When you are sharing time with another parent, it’s hard to find that schedule that works perfectly for everyone. So you do the best you can, and you make changes where necessary- but it’s still hard when you have a schedule that works well and then your work schedule is tuned upside down. This is a bigger deal than it seems to those who haven’t dealt with it, but when you don’t see your child everyday like a “normal family”, every minute counts.
  • Consistency- Going along with the schedules comes consistency. At no fault to anyone involved, the blended family life is a lot of back and fourth, up and down, and all around. Especially when both parents work outside of the home. Not only are your children in two different households, but they could be at school, daycare, grandparents, friends, and other family members homes as well. They say it takes a village, and that’s so true. But among all of this chaos are (hopefully) two parents who are trying their best to keep things as consistent as possible for their kids. It’s been my personal experience that consistency calms. It keeps them less confused, more organized, and more comfortable to know what the schedule is going to be (if they’re old enough to recognize a schedule). And trust me, they recognize the schedule much sooner than you think.
  • The Sake Of Those Around You- When you rely on others to help out with your kids whether it be picking up from school, keeping them overnight, or giving them a ride to practice- it messes up everyone’s schedule when your family experiences big changes. This in turn stresses you out as the parent because you’re going to automatically feel like a burden or like you’re inconveniencing someone.

So- moral of the rambling is if you know someone in a blended family lifestyle, be gentle with them when they’re going through change. What might seem like a small inconvenience to you is a world turning catastrophe to them. We aren’t overreacting, we’re simply reacting to a situation that changes almost everything about our daily lives and the uprooting of our schedules with our children. If you ask me, that’s a pretty big deal.


*I’m hoping to get back on track with the normal posting schedule as always. I’ve been taking some writing classes and some different training on updating my blog space here. As you might have noticed there have been some major changes in the look of our site. Thanks for being so patient with the lack of posting while I continue to improve my content as well as work through some difficulties that we are currently facing.*

As always,

Until next time!





Back to School: Favorite Places To Shop For Boys

What probably should have been a “Favorite Things Friday” post is obviously taking place on a Sunday because I can’t seem to stick to my schedule and also because I’ve procrastinated buying the boys their back to school stuff and we didn’t go until yesterday. With that being said, I’ll keep this short and to the point! I’ve received a few Instagram messages lately asking where my favorite places to shop for my boys are, or where I’ve gotten specific shirts and pieces. Well, I’m not one for keeping secrets, especially when it comes to shopping or where I found a good deal.

A very short back story: When I first found out that Marek was a boy, I was so excited. I could FINALLY look for baby clothes at the stores. To my disappointment, when I got to the stores I would find only a tiny back corner section for boys clothing whilst the entire front and center section of the store was jam-packed with girls clothing.

Since it’s a little more difficult (in my opinion) to shop for little boys, here are some of my FAVORITE PLACES to shop for my boys. Most of these places run sales FREQUENTLY. You don’t have to be rich to dress your kid nice, trust me I’m a bargain shopper from way back (shout out to my mom, Mary!).

Nordstrom Rack- Four words- NAME BRANDS FOR CHEAP. We found almost all of our name brand stuff for the boys there. Vans, Under Armour, Nike, Urban Republic, etc. All found there, all for a very cheap price.



DSW– The best place for shoes in my opinion, although this time around we didn’t have too much luck since the one in Grand Rapids was pretty well picked through. Apparently they start school next week so they had all of the last minute parents and guardians scooping up all of the good steals. Among our shoes this year are Nautica tennis shoes which I will link HERE, Sperry’s for our dressy days which I will link HERE, Vans Classic Checker Slip-On’s which I will link HERE, and Nike tennis shoes which I will link HERE.

The very beginning of our haul- not pictured- a million shirts and many more pants, and backpacks.

Old Navy– Old Navy is a staple for the graphic t-shirts. Especially if your kids are anything like mine and obsessed with Mario, Yoshi, Sonic, Batman, Captain America, Spiderman, etc.

Coat- Urban Republic- Nordstrom Rack. Shirt- Old Navy. Shoes- Nordstrom Rack.

The Children’s Place & Abercrombie Kids- I do all of this shopping online because I know the kids sizes and what fits them best. When they run sales, they run SALES- so get it while it lasts! The sizes seem to sell out fast. BTW- These two stores are my FAVORITE places to get jeans/pants. They don’t wear out fast and they’re not made cheaply.

So as you can see, back to school shopping doesn’t have to break your bank. Almost everything I bought for them was half off or more, you just have to put in the effort and know where to look! Not that there is anything wrong with hand-me-downs, or second hand stores such as Goodwill, but why have used clothes when you can buy brand new ones for similar prices???

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday, and is preparing to have a wonderful week!

Until next time,



“Soft Launch” of J&M Co.- A New Adventure

Happy Friday Y’all! So I know I’ve been promising exciting stuff coming up, and it feels like it’s taken forever… I also promise that I have good reasoning for being so inconsistent with my posts lately, so here it is- I’ve been working on a little side project and I’m so happy to announce the “soft launch” of J&M Co. Designs! I’ve been working on various different creations for months now, and after lots of practice and learning new techniques I’m excited to finally be able to offer personalized apparel, clothing, glassware, etc under our new “business name”!

Logo courtsey of Alyson Fink Designs!

The name obviously comes from my boys names, Jayce and Marek, “J&M”. Wow, super original, I know… *Que eye roll* but I think it’s cute.

With that being said I’ve been waiting to get our official logo finished up by Alyson Fink Designs, as well as waiting to launch our business Facebook page, and Instagram page. (If anyone is looking for any kind of logo work, or designs in general, I HIGHLY suggest checking out Alyson Fink Designs. You WILL NOT be disappointed). Moving on, there is potential for us to eventually set up an Etsy page, but with us working to get on our feet we figured we would start with these two for now and see how this all goes. With still working a full time job in Human Resources and Accounting, it’s been a juggling game trying to find the best balance and routine.

So on to the good stuff- what does J&M Co. offer? Good, I’m glad you asked!

We offer various different things such as apparel, drink ware, kitchen and bathroom accessories, and home decor. We’ve been busy making baby onesies, t-shirts for both adults and children of all sizes, coasters, personalized wine glasses (both with stems and stemless), custom cups, koozies, etc. The list is ENDLESS. I will include some photos below of some of the things we have been working on lately.

Custom Coasters
Custom Traverse City Wine Glasses (Rose Gold)
Custom “Bring Home” Baby Onesies
Sippy Cups/Snack Cups are the perfect little gift set idea!
More Michigan Wine Glasses- I can’t get enough!


So there you have it, just a few of the MANY projects we’ve worked on. If you have any custom requests or inquiries, please feel free to message me on our Facebook page or email me at and I will get back with you! Also feel free to spread the word, we love to be busy. Mostly- I’m just excited that the fun I’ve been having with my crafting has turned into something that others can enjoy as well. I’ll include links to our Instagram page, as well as our Facebook page below. I would love some feedback on suggestions, as well as any kind of constructive criticism.

J&M Co. Instagram

J&M Co. Facebook

Also, if you’ve bought anything from us previously, please feel free to share around and let us know by using our hashtag #jandmconorthernmich

We are also excited to announce that we can ship anywhere in the United States, and shipping costs will vary depending on location.

As always, thank you to all of our family, friends, and strangers alike for the constant support. We couldn’t do it without you!

Until next time,





Saying Goodbye to Griffith Rd: Pt. 2

Back in February I wrote a post called “Saying Goodbye to Griffith Rd: Pt. 1” in which I wrote about my grandparents selling their house/farm which was right next door to my childhood home with my parents. I’m sure there was some question as to why I titled that post “part 1”- well here it is- part 2 follows because my parents have officially sold THEIR home on Griffith Rd.

Our beautiful home for the last almost 20 years

Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I’m generally a pretty emotional person.  My grandma’s sister “aunt Phyllis” and uncle Rex lived at the end of Griffith Road, past my grandparents house. This is where we would go visit our cousins Hannah and Phillip when we were little. We had spent a lot of time walking down to her house, eating her caramels, watching dirty dancing, and then walking back to my grandparents house for some more treats. We would then skip one more house over and head home to mom and dad. After she had passed, Uncle Rex had sold their house at the end of Griffith Road.  Since then, I’ve found great comfort in people, and in places. So my grandparents selling their home next-door to us made me really sad. I am excited for them to build their new house, but I am sad because I will miss the place that felt like home for so long. On to my parents house- I will miss that home because that is really the only home I remember. My dad, his buddies, and my grandpa had built our home and we had moved in around the time I had turned 5. For the last 19 years that place has been “home”. No matter where I roamed down Griffith Rd, I had a home. I was able to walk to the very far end driveway and find family, I was able to head to the end on the left and find my grandparents and their cozy farm, and I was able to find the second to last house on the left and find my parents house and the home I grew up in. Griffith road encompasses so many memories for me. 20 years worth of Christmases, laughs, cries, sunrises off of the wrap around porch… Bonfires, Thanksgivings, family gatherings- my parents really captured everything that anyone could want in a home inside that house. The trail that led between our house and my grandparents house, the nighttime walks to the swamp to catch frogs and tadpoles, the endless bike rides that my sister and I had shared… It all just seems too hard to let go of.

My parents closed on that Griffith Road house today, and I know that the house is with who it should be with. Another young family with a cute little baby and an awesome golden retriever. With that being said, part of my heart will forever be there. With the many pets we have laid to rest there, with the memories that were made there, with the many family gatherings… Everything. That house was my safe place for the last 19 years of my life, and I’m so thankful and grateful to have grown up in the country there next to grandma and grandpa, and aunt Phyllis and her family. As I reflect on these memories, I cry as I type tonight. But I also think back to how lucky I have been to have spent so much time in a house that anyone would be blessed to be in.


As my parents said in the text they sent the other night- “Goodbye old friend”… On to new homes, new memories, and new blessings. At the end of the day, I’m thankful I’m losing a place and not a person. My heart will heal from the moves, and I’m looking forward to the new fun to be had in the new house!

Fun family laughs at the old house 

Happy Monday, friends.

Until next time,



Tips and Tricks to Camping with Kids

In lieu of our usual “Favorite Things Friday”, I’m going to be actually sharing tips and tricks for one of our new found favorite family activities, CAMPING! As you may have gathered from my other social media outlets, we finally took the plunge and purchased a travel trailer! We bought it about a month or so ago and we’ve been really trying to take advantage of the nice weather by using it as much as possible. The boys have been able to use their new WEKAPO inflatable loungers, ride their bikes, play at the park, and of course swim until they can’t anymore. The dogs have been cooling down in the water, and we have been catching up with old friends as well as meeting some new ones. It’s truly been a fun time for all of us!

Our new baby!
Get your kids some WEKAPO Loungers, seriously. You won’t be disappointed.

Alas, camping with kids is much easier said than done. Although you would expect them to be entertained by the great outdoors, that isn’t always the case. In this high paced society our kids are always wanting entertainment. They want something to do at all times, and for the most part seem to have trouble just sitting down and enjoying the moment. Thankfully we were able to utilize some of our Christmas gifts at the campsite such as the remote control boat, board games, etc.


The remote control boat is a hit

Below is my quick guide to “Camping with Kids”. The do’s and don’ts, as well as a list of helpful hints when thinking about taking your little ones to the campsite.


My kids need about 3 changes per day on average when we are camping. Between the super soakers, marshmallow accidents, and swimming- we are always in need of extra clothes. Layers are important too, because once it starts leading into dusk, it tends to get a little chilly up here in northern Michigan.


We try to keep our kids away from the electronics as much as possible during our camping fun. Of course our travel trailer has TV’s and the boys have their tablets, but we like to keep them separated from the screens most of the time. Because of this, we loaded up our camper with board games that they got for Christmas. Children’s Monopoly, Children’s Clue, Candy Land, and even Guess Who. They also like Pop The Pig which is an easy game for all ages. Card games like “Go Fish” or “Old Maid” and “UNO” are classics for if it starts raining at the campsite too. All of these should keep your kids busy and laughing! We like to let our boys bring a few toys too, just because their imaginations run wild with Iron Man and Captain America at the backwaters of Tippy Dam.

Candy Land is a staple for camping now…


Oh, and massive amounts of drinks. Anyone else’s kids think snacks are an absolute free-for-all the minute they’re anywhere but home? Okay, maybe it’s just mine, but for real… They act like they’re storing for winter with the amount they eat when we’re camping. You will be SORRY if you don’t pack enough, so don’t be afraid to over pack when it comes to the snack drawers. The snacks don’t even have to be junk, you can pack plenty of apples, carrots and hummus for snacks too. Which leads me to drinks- make sure there is enough water/Gatorade/juice/whatever for your kids. Otherwise they’ll be copping all of your water when you’re not looking.


Swimming keeps our kids busy for most of the day. We are lucky enough to camp where we have access to family boats, and thankfully our kids are ready to be on the boats most of the day. They love swimming, it’s something fun for everyone to participate in, and they won’t be on your back about being bored or not keeping them busy enough.




Expectations aren’t always bad, but I found with camping that they tend to be more stressful than helpful. We like to roll with the punches, and play things by ear. Nobody likes a mom who enforces bedtime on a Saturday while camping. We are lucky if my kids aren’t still shoving their cheeks full of leftover marshmallows from s’mores at 11 pm… Also, have a realistic expectation of cleanliness. Chances are your entire family (hello, boy moms I’m talking to you) are going to be entirely covered in dirt and unidentifiable sticky substances by the time you leave. You’ll just have to sweep the camper floor and bathe everyone once you’ve arrived home. It’s not the end of the world… Deep breaths…



After all, we’re all here for the fun anyway, right? Don’t put a damper on the camper. It’s truly one of the most fun things we do together and I’m so grateful that we’ve made the time this summer. The kids have a blast, and we have a blast. It doesn’t really get any better than that.

After a weekend of camping, we are usually dog tired… I suppose that just means you had just the right amount of fun!

IMG_1885 (1).jpg

Well, surprise surprise- Brian and I are camping again this weekend while the kids are away. We will be back Tuesday! Stay tuned because there is really exciting news coming up in the next week or so!

Until next time,



One Year Review!

I apologize for being absent the past few weeks. Not only have we been really busy, but we’ve had a funeral and various other family related matters that have needed our attention.

As of Tuesday June 11, it has officially been one year since I started writing here on Picking Up The Pendrick’s. WOW. One whole year! At the time I had no idea how much positive feedback I would be getting from my friends, family, and complete strangers. The expansion of my writing and creativity has really brought me so much joy, and has really given me something positive to invest my time in. What began as a “journaling activity” to help me relax and sort my thoughts has turned into something so much more than just that. I truly enjoy being able to share advice (whether it’s wanted or not), my favorite products, recipes, and our everyday life journey with anyone willing to read.

Since it’s our one year anniversary I figured I would do a review of the one year here at Picking Up The Pendrick’s (and boy what a year it’s been), as well as another giveaway!

Before I get into the giveaway let’s have a quick recap of what’s gone on in our lives and on the blog since June 11 of 2018.

Brian turned 30!



Jayce started 1st grade, and Marek started pre-school.


Jayce turned 6!


Brian and I got married!


& we went honeymooning in Nashville.


We enjoyed our first Christmas married (and our 3rd Christmas together as a family of 4).


I accepted a new position at work. No picture for that, just lots of excitement. 

Marek turned 5.


I graduated from Baker College with my bachelors degree & with my sister! (WOO HOO! We did it!)


We got a new puppy, Nellie!


Yeah, it’s been a busy year. It has my head spinning all over again even thinking about all of the stuff that we jam packed into the last year. This year we plan on having a much more relaxed year, with a few less events. So far this summer in Northern Michigan hasn’t even been warm enough or dry enough for us to really enjoy ourselves outside but once it starts warming up (if it starts warming up) we have plans to camp and be out on the boat!

The boys have been enjoying the trails on their dirtbikes/quads, rain or shine.

Anyway- now that we’ve done a quick recap and a few new updates, let’s get onto the giveaway!

I have two wine glasses with the opal holographic vinyl that say “Partners in Wine”. I’m going to be doing another e-mail automatic drawing for every one of my followers that is subscribed to Picking Up The Pendrick’s via email. If you haven’t subscribed yet, go to Picking Up The Pendrick’s and on the right hand side there will be a box that gives you the opportunity to enter your email. I will be picking an email by this Friday 06/21/2019 at 5pm Eastern Time. (I think that’s what Michigan is in, right?) I will let you know via email if you’ve been the selected winner on Friday! (Shipping is available within the U.S).


I can’t thank each and every person enough for continuing to follow along with us and our lives. I truly appreciate each and every reader, and I hope you will all stay tuned this upcoming year because we’ve got some more fun stuff and news to share!

I hope everyone has a fantastic week, and I’ll be back on Friday with a new one!

Until next time,



Favorite Things Friday Is Back!

Can I get an Amen?! No? Okay. Well, I guess I’m hyping this post up a little bit because I’m super excited to share some of my current favorite things with you after the “FTF” posts were taking a sabbatical.

A little back story to this- I was having a discussion with Brian the other day (I’m sure he was paying super close attention while working on something in the garage), but anyway… I was talking about how the internet, specifically social media, puts unrealistic expectations on life and can sometimes cause stress, anxiety, and mixed feelings about yourself as a person/mother. I was following so many of these “rich mom” bloggers who were showing off their lavish $800,000 houses and driving their Lincoln Navigator “Black Labels” costing around $105,000. Most of these moms were stay at home moms, but not my normal idea of a stay at home mom. These moms went to get facials, and get their nails and hair done weekly. They were traveling to places like Hawaii, Paris, and Australia. They were working out and shopping while their nanny took care of their children. I’m not even going to lie and say “I would never want this kind of lifestyle” at any point, but the truth of it is that this lifestyle isn’t realistic for me. We are a middle class working family, and comparing myself, my family, my income and my tangible assets to those in a completely different tax bracket wasn’t good for my mental health.

So what did I do about this? I regrouped my entire Instagram/blog world. I unfollowed those who didn’t bring me inspiration and good feelings, and now my news feed is full of positive people who actually inspire me on a daily basis. It’s full of people who I can generally relate to in real world terms. So today on my “FTF” post, I’m going to share my top 6 favorite and most inspirational Instagram’s/blogs.

  1. Alyx Blauwkamp- I would be doing everyone here a total disservice by not including one of my very best friends. She is a Beach Body coach  who I will be joining for the next 80 day challenge, and her Instagram and Facebook page are absolutely inspirational for anyone looking to join the fitness community. There is also MAD humor from a mom perspective as she goes through her fitness journey and includes her two littles along the way. It’s witty, and motivating, and I cannot love her, or her page more.Image-1
  2. El Hubbard has been one of my favorite mom/yoga figures to follow for quite some time now. She’s raw, she’s real, and she’s awesome. Her Instagram “momjeansyoga” is one of my absolute yoga favorites and I love following her journey.Image-1 (1).jpg
  3. Ashly Fritch– Not only is she a fellow boy mama, but she has THREE BOYS. And, her boys ride dirt bikes too! I love following her because she’s always positive and upbeat, yet is honest about the trials of parenting, the importance of a healthy relationship/marriage, and she’s got wicked style for both fashion and home. She’s one of my all time favorites and I always look forward to her in my feed! Her blog Beautiful Kind of Chaos is out of this world.Image-1 (2)
  4. Molly Wey & Family– Another #boymom of three! Capturing the busy lives of moms with boys, an incredible fashion sense, and amazing fitness tips and tricks, this mom truly is the full package when it comes to a blog/Instagram with inspiration. Her blog is the cutest, also.Image-1 (3).jpg
  5. HarlowandKatie– If you’re needing an inspiring mother/daughter duo, look no further. This mom is tough as nails, her kids are so adorable. I love following their journey, and watching her daughter Harlow continue growing along with her little brother Brixton by her side. Her stories are raw and real, and this is one of my favorite things about her. She has also recently opened up a lot about the importance of mental health in mamas, and overcoming anxiety.Image-1 (4).jpg
  6. Micah Folsom & Family– Another of my favorite fitness mamas! Four kids, working from home, the Father, the meal prep, and all things fab. She’s truly a goddess and I love watching her positive videos.Image-1 (5).jpg

So there you have it. My current obsession with blogs, and all things awesome on Instagram. I always love when people can inspire styles, give advice, and parenting tips. I don’t find myself comparing myself to these people, I just find myself feeling like I need to do the workout I wanted to do, or be a more patient mom. Or paint my living room, and rearrange my furniture. It’s so nice to find a positive corner of the internet with everything going on in the news lately, and of course everyone has an opinion about it. I do too, but it’s sometimes nice to just have a day where I can go almost completely unbothered and just keep my positive tune going. It’s something I struggle with daily, but something I will continue to strive toward until I can call myself a master.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Tune back in on Tuesday for another post, I’m trying to get back onto my Tuesday & Friday routine for posting consistently.

Until then,



“The Days I Prayed For The Things I Have Now”

Happy Fri-YAY! You guys, Facebook can be both wonderful and obnoxious. For the most part I enjoy looking back on my Facebook “memories” section, until I get back into my high school years obviously. Back when I thought that my opinion mattered, and I constantly posted vague, passive aggressive, and very mean statuses. This morning something struck me differently though, and had me feeling very humbled, and more appreciative than most other days. The statuses were a reminder of my struggles, and how I was feeling 5 years ago.

The further I look back into these statuses, I acknowledge now that I was in a state of extreme vulnerability. I was a 19 year old single mom with a 3 month old baby. I was trying to adjust to parenting on my own after the explosion of my failing relationship, which somewhat resembled the Hindenburg disaster. I was feeling sorry for myself after being lied to and cheated on for so long, and I was trying my very best to pick myself back up while living in the tiniest 1 bedroom cabin with 70’s shag carpet. While all of my friends were away at college setting themselves up for bright futures, I was working as a receptionist at a doctors office making $12 per hour. I was sincerely exhausting every outlet I could before I had to accept my reality and move back in with my parents. (Seriously mom and dad, I can’t thank you enough for all that you did for me). I felt like a failure, and I needed some help. I was lonely, and reaching out to anyone for a shoulder to lean on.

My statuses on this day, Saturday May 10th, 2014 were as follows:



There is a saying that goes something along the lines of, “I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now” and these were my days of prayer. Praying that I was going to be able to be the best mom for Marek, praying that I would meet someone with the same values as me, and someone who would be able to reciprocate the respect and love that I was always so willing to offer. I prayed that I would be able to get out of the one bedroom cabin, and move out of my parents house (again). I prayed and dreamed of a home with a porch that I could relax on, and watch my kids play in the back yard. I prayed for the strength to finish my college degree, and to find a career that I love. I knew it was going to be hard work, and right in this moment on this day 5 years ago I was tired, and I was weak. But I wasn’t too weak to muster up some energy for praying for the things that I wanted, and I was preparing myself mentally for the following 5 years to come.

I look back now on these sad or painful days, and I mostly smile. If only I could have patted 19 year old Emma on the back, and given her a smile and word of encouragement. My favorite high school teacher sent me this back when I was really in the trenches of self pity as a single teen mom…


He was always good for not sugar coating things, and was well known for a good reality check.

The last 5 years have been overloads of classes, homework, projects, and lots and lots of spreadsheets and reconciliations. Late nights, no sleep, full on breakdowns, my parents, sister, a few friends, and my husband talking me off the ledge more than once. It’s been a struggle, and I won’t deny that. I’ve worked my ASS OFF to get here. I am proud of myself for not giving up, and for praying for the things I have now. Life isn’t going to be smooth sailing from here on out, there are always going to be struggles. For now though, I’m going to sit on my back porch, watch my kids ride their dirt bikes through the yard, and give my husband a big ol’ smooch when he comes home from work. Because this is living, y’all. This is the four of us living our best lives.

Never forget that good things come to those who put in the work, and if you’re in a similar position to me 5 years ago, please keep pushing. You will reach a day where you are so proud of yourself, and you can say “I made it.”. Don’t ever give up, don’t forget it’s okay to break down, but sleep it off and come back ready to go tomorrow.

*Also a special shout out to my village that helped me constantly with Marek while I worked, went to class, and fought my way out of this mess: Mom & Dad, Grandma Nettie and Grandpa Jim, Auntie Shelley, Brian of course, my Sister, my Mother and Father in Law, and my Brother and Sister In Law* I seriously couldn’t have done it without you.*




Until next time,

